
Supporting Lebanese ICT SMEs


Supporting Lebanese ICT SMEs to Access the French Market Through the ‘ICT SME Access to Market’ Program

Five Lebanese ICT SMEs to be Helped to Export Solutions to France in Partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) Project.

Beirut, October 27, 2021 - The Professional Computer Association (PCA) of Lebanon signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) project on October 7 to fund the ‘ICT SME Access to Market’ program. This program aims to help 5 Lebanese ICT SMEs possessing innovative market-ready solutions to increase their competitiveness and performance so that they can export these solutions to Europe, starting with France where Lebanon has market entry advantages. To implement this program, PCA will work with PartnersWay.

The program will revolve around four pillars:

  • Exposure: Product and service introduction to the French market via multiple business channels.
  • Training: Conducting and sharing meaningful skill-based and cross-cultural training
  • Guidance: Providing guidance around capacity building, knowledge transfer, and best practices in relation to European standards
  • Business Planning: Assisting companies with direct, formal & informal business introductions

Since ICT represents an important option for Lebanon’s economic development and a sure vector of growth and progress, PCA was awarded this grant with the aim of increasing international market access for the selected local ICT firms by enhancing their internal enterprise capabilities in critical functional areas, including legal, human resources, finance, marketing and sales, and product development (innovation).

“Despite the multiple challenges that Lebanon is facing, we are confident that this program, combined with the drive and expertise of Lebanon’s ICT SMEs, will boost economic growth and jobs and contribute to Lebanon’s prosperity” said Douglas Griffith, LED Managing Director.

Participating firms will be trained, advised, and coached on how to tailor their solutions and offerings for demanding European clients. By helping Lebanese ICT firms establish new marketing linkages to French and European clients, the program will also have positive impacts on participating enterprises’ revenues (export of IT services) and employment.



ABOUT Professional Computer Association (PCA)

Established in 1996, the PCA is a platform for supporting and promoting ICT companies based in and operating from Lebanon. With the tremendous changes that occurred in the past few years and the dramatic transformations in the business models at all levels, the PCA had to adapt by creating new dynamics that tackled the new ICT business paradigm. Today, the PCA is directing all its efforts towards empowering Lebanese companies to overcome this period of duress, by giving them the means to export their products and services worldwide thus allowing them to create new jobs and consolidate existing ones.



ABOUT PartnersWay

PartnersWay’s role is to guide companies in their international business development. That is why PartnersWay makes a global commitment, from the identification and initiation of the companies’ needs until the effective realization of their project. PartnersWay collaborates with the best technology players in the Middle East, the Gulf region, North America and Europe. PartnersWay is proud to place itself in the heart of a powerful partner’s network to accelerate the growth of its clients, while their focus is on their core business.


ABOUT Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) Project 

The Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) is a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that aims to sustain and increase jobs for Lebanese citizens. LED offers customized technical assistance to local businesses to help them identify and solve the problems that are preventing them from increasing sales, and therefore from needing to hire more Lebanese. LED also works with stakeholders and partners to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to problems that are affecting the business enabling environment. Small, medium, or large Lebanese registered businesses in any sector can apply for LED assistance.


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Franz Kafka
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